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The Other Side is the official podcast of a great comedy club, the DC Improv.

Jun 20, 2018

Tammy Pescatelli went back to school for her latest special ... literally. She made the "Way After School Special" in the auditorium of her old high school. Listen to that cool story and more, then come see her June 29-30.

Jun 12, 2018

We're talking relationships, comedy and more with the host of #datefails. Also, there's a story involving Katt Williams and his "stable." Good times. Kate headlines our lounge June 22-23 ...

Jun 6, 2018

Are you a good person? Finally, there's a show that answers this question (and for only $17-$22 a ticket, yowza). When Christian Finnegan comes to town July 12-15, he'll be polishing up "My Goodness," a comedic look at what it means to be good. We're chatting with Christian about what inspired the concept and how...