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The Other Side is the official podcast of a great comedy club, the DC Improv.

Aug 29, 2016

The search for the funniest president continues! Warren Harding was amazingly popular in his day. Was he also amazingly funny?

We're joined by Sherry Hall, the site manager of the Harding Home Presidential Site in Marion, Ohio. She gives us insight into Harding's personal style (he considered himself a newspaper...

Aug 9, 2016

The search for the funniest president continues! Andrew Jackson has a reputation for killing ... but not in a comedic sense. He actually murdered a dude. So if we're looking at the comedy of Jackson, how does that work, exactly?

Our guest is Michael Friedman, the composer and lyricist for the hit musical "Bloody Bloody...

Aug 2, 2016

The search for the funniest president continues! James Buchanan didn't have much to laugh about as president, what with that whole "Civil War" thing starting on his watch. But how much has that one huge stain warped our view of POTUS No. 15?

Patrick Clarke, the director of President James Buchanan's Wheatland, welcomes...